Yakuza 3 Remastered/Movesets

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< Yakuza 3 Remastered
Revision as of 20:37, 3 August 2024 by Draxx182 (talk | contribs) (Added description and basic table of movesets.)
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This page is used to categorize each moveset in Yakuza 3 Remastered by its ActionSet.cas. Each action set is sorted by its order in the file, as well as separating the playable and non-playable movesets.

Moveset List

Action Set Description Used By Weapons Used Notes
BTL/Kiryu Kazuma Kiryu's classic fighting style. Kazuma Kiryu Fists
BTL/Amon Dual gun moveset (Richardson) with some claw Lau moves. Jo Amon (Second Phase) Dual Pistols(?) Shoots bomb assets, seems to be associated with this action set.
BTL/Amon_U Double claw moveset (Lau) with Richardson gun moves. Jo Amon (Third Phase) Dual Pistols(?) Unknown when Amon transitions to this phase, as it bears many similarities to the second phase.
BTL/Amon_X Twin sword moveset (copy of the player's double sword moveset). Jo Amon (First Phase) Dual Light Swords Copy of Kamiyama's kali stick action set, with a slip animation to indicate phase transition.
BTL/Base Generic action set template(?). Unknown None Potentially a placeholder(?).
BTL/Boxer Common boxer moveset. Goons None
BTL/Col_Boxer_A Enemy boxer moveset (Tamashiro's knuckle dusters). Potentially coliseum or

generic bosses(?)

None(?) Has some different move entries in property.bin, but still uses Tamashiro's animations and vfx.

Uses fist hitbox locations instead of weapon specified hitbox location.